Recycling electronic waste

Recycling and minimising the amount of waste going to landfill is an important goal for Citycare Property.

The company is presently focused on diverting electronic waste or Ewaste from landfill.

The Molten Media Community Trust has recently collected 130 kilograms of desktops, the first part of an expected 360kg of outdated computers, laptops, screens, keyboards, mice, and monitors to be recycled, Business Systems Manager Bec Cortesi says.

The trust is a registered charity which promotes recycling and diverts many tonnes of potentially toxic Ewaste from the waste stream.

At the same time, the Christchurch-based social enterprise provides low-cost refurbished computer equipment to other charitable organisations and a place for people to work off their court fines.

It has a goal to achieve zero waste to landfill as Ewaste often contains toxic materials which could be harmful to the environment.

“Molten Media refurbishes electronics and sells them through its shop or dismantles and disposes of the component parts, diverting 80-90% from landfill. It’s a win-win for us,” Bec says.

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Some Ewaste is loaded for recycling by Bec Cortesi and George Schlusen.